
                ISP -Tandem Program

Tandem jumps introduce students into the solo training programs. The instructor is the pilot in command of the shared parachute so the training time is considerably less than the methods where the student is wearing his own parachute.

Cost: All jumps are priced at a per jump cost, up to 10,000ft. Add $25.00 to 13.000 ft. Package pricing available. Call for details.

Category A : 1 Tandem

Jump # 1 (10,000 ft)                         $169.00
Discover what skydiving is!! Fun Jump.

Category B : 2 Tandems

Jump # 2                                         $150.00
Check altitude.
Three practice deployments.
Altitude, arch, legs, relax.
Begin wave off by 6,000 feet.
Pull by 5,500 feet.

Jump # 3                                         $150.00
Practice deployment
Altitude, arch, legs, relax.
Extend legs and hold for three seconds.
Altitude, arch, legs, relax.
Repeat as altitude permits or turns (if trained).
Begin wave-off by 6,000 feet.
Pull by 5,500 feet
              Link to USPA ISP Category B

Category C : 2 jumps

Ground School                                     $75.00
Every Thursday 10 am or 4 pm - Call for appointment.
5 hours of ground training, receiving instruction for solo free-fall, solo canopy flight, emergency procedures and ending with a written test.
Refunded at completion of Category E.

A USPA membership is required before jump #4. The cost is $65.00 per year. As a member you'll receive the monthly skydiving magazine PARACHUTIST and you'll also be covered under their liability insurance plan should you damage someone's property or hurt a none jumper upon landing!

Jump # 4                                         $150.00
Altitude, arch, legs, relax.
Wave-off at 5,500 feet & deploy by 4,000 feet.
                      Cat -C1 Video

Jump # 5                                                   $150.00
Instructor releases grips as situation allows.
Wave-off at 5,500 feet & deploy by 4,000 feet
                      Cat- C2 Video

            Link to USPA ISP Category C

Category D : 2 jumps

Jump # 6                                         $150.00
90-degree turns
Wave-off at 5,000 feet.
Pull by 4,000 feet
                     Cat-D1 Video

Jump # 7                                         $150.00
180- and 360-degree turns
Wave-off at 5,000 feet.
Pull by 4,000 feet
                    Cat-D2 Video

            Link to USPA ISP Category D

Category E : 2 jumps

Jump # 8                                                   $150.00
Barrel Roll & Tracking
                    Cat-E1 Video

Jump # 9                                           $95.00
Back loop & Front Loop
                    Cat-E2 Video

This is the last category that distinguishes between students of different disciplines. Once you have demonstrated the ability to regain stability and control within five seconds after initiating a disorienting maneuver, a USPA Instructor in your discipline may clear you to
jump without instructor supervision in freefall

            Link to USPA ISP Category E

ISP - AFF program
                         (Harness Hold)

Skydive Southwest Florida offers also Accelerated Free-Fall program.
Cost: All jumps are priced at a per jump cost, up to 10,000 ft. Add $25.00 to 13,000 ft. Package pricing available. Call for details.

Category A : 1 jump

Ground School                                        $75.00
Every Thursday 10 am or 4 pm - Call for appointment.

4 to 6 hours of ground training, receiving instruction for solo free-fall, solo canopy flight, emergency procedures and ending with a written test. This training ensures a safe introduction into solo free-fall.
Refunded at completion of Category E.

A USPA membership is required before your 1st jump. The cost is $65.00 per year. As a member you'll receive the monthly skydiving magazine PARACHUTIST and you'll also be covered under their liability insurance plan should you damage someone's property or hurt a none jumper upon landing!

AFF # 1: 2 instructors                            $200.00
Exit in a relaxed arch.
Circle of Awareness.
Three practice deployments.
Pull by 4,500 feet
                     Cat-A Video

            Link to USPA ISP Category A

Category B : 1 jump

AFF # 2: 2 instructors                            $165.00
Exit in a relaxed arch.
Practice deployment(s)
Extend legs for three seconds and hold.
Repeat as altitude permits.
Team turns (if trained).
Begin wave off at 5,500 feet & Pull by 4,500 feet
                      Cat-B Video

            Link to USPA ISP Category B

Category C :
2 jumps

AFF # 3: 2 instructors                            $165.00
Instructor(s) release grips as situation allows.
Altitude, arch, legs, relax.
Wave-off at 5,500 feet & deploy by 4,000 feet.
                     Cat-C-1 Video

AFF # 4                                                          $150.00
Same as AFF # 3, but with only one instructor
                     Cat-C2 Video           

               Link to USPA ISP Category C

Category D :
2 jumps

AFF # 5                                                          $150.00
90-degree turns
Wave-off at 5,000 feet.
Pull by 4,000 feet
                  AFF Cat-D-1 Video

AFF # 6                                               $150.00
180- and 360-degree turns
Wave-off at 5,000 feet.
Pull by 4,000 feet
                  AFF Cat-D-2 Video

            Link to USPA ISP Category D

Category E : 2 jumps

AFF #7                                               $150.00
Barrel Roll & Tracking
                  AFF Cat-E-1 Video

AFF #8                                                             $95.00
Back loop & Front Loop
                  AFF Cat-E-2 Video

This is the last category that distinguishes between students of different disciplines. Once you have demonstrated the ability to regain stability and control within five seconds after initiating a disorienting maneuver, a USPA Instructor in your discipline may clear you to
jump without instructor supervision in freefall

            Link to USPA ISP Category E


Complete your USPA A License

 Category F :
4 jumps
(except only 2 jumps for Static line students)

2 Jumps
Spot with minimal assistance.
Choice of exit position.
Track for five seconds, turn 180 degrees, return.
Altitude check.
Repeat until 6,000 feet.
Wave off and pull by 4,000 feet

                    Cat-F Video

1 Jump                                              $50.00
(only for AFF and Tandem progression)
Clear and Pull from 5,500 feet

1 Jump                                              $50.00
(only for AFF and Tandem progression)
Clear and Pull from 3,500 feet

            Link to USPA ISP Category F

Category G : 4 jumps

1 Jump : Forward movement to Dock
1 Jump : Up and down
1 Jump : Docking with problems
1 Jump : Review of docking and rate fall

            Link to USPA ISP Category G

Category H : 4 jumps

2 jumps : Swoop and dock
2 jumps : Freefall group skills

            Link to USPA ISP Category H

From Category F to G, jumps are $50.00 each, except for a minimum of 4 mandatory coach jumps at $95.00 each including the sign off jump.

A minimum of 25 jumps and the completed proficiency card is required to get your A-License.

Congratulations on your A-License !!!

Blue Skies!
